Please see below the lunch menus for school lunches for up to the Summer Holidays. The menus are on a 3 week rotation.

Week 1 

Meal Choice Meat Free Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(Vegetarian & Halal Option Available as required)

Cheese & Tomato Pizza

Spicy Wedges Sweetcorn

Chicken Curry Boiled Rice Naan Bread Beef Bolognaise


Garlic Bread

All Day Breakfast Fish Of The Day, Chips and


  Jacket Potato

With a choice of fillings

Sandwich Selection Of The Day Sandwich selection of the day Chicken Curry and Rice burrito or Cheese and bean burrito Pasta in tomato and herb sauce
Dessert Apple Muffins Homemade Cookie Bakewell Slice Melon Slice or Cheese and Crackers Jelly and Fruit

Daily- Fresh Fruit and Yogurt, Milk and Water, Salad Bar


Week 2 

Meal Choice Meat Free Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(Vegetarian & Halal Option Available as required)

Cheese Whirl



Chicken Roast Dinner Sausage, Mash and Vegetables Beef Cobbler

Boiled Potatoes


Fish Of The Day, Chips and Peas
  Jacket Potato

With a choice of fillings

Sandwich Selection of the day Hot wraps or Bean Boats Selection of Sandwiches Pasta in Sauce
Dessert Arctic Roll Cookie Cupcake Australian Crunch Fruit Pots

Daily- Fresh Fruit and Yogurt, Milk and Water, Salad Bar


Week 3 

Meal Choice Meat Free Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(Vegetarian & Halal Option Available as required)

Cheese Flan

Boiled Potatoes


Chicken Curry and Rice Sausage Roll or Cheese Roll


Baked beans

Burger in a Bun

Corncob and salad

Quorn Dippers

Peas and Chips

  Jacket Potato

With a choice of fillings

Sandwich Selection of the Day Sandwich Selection Of The Day Pasta in sauce


sliced baguette

Meatball Sub and salad
Dessert Homemade Shortbread Biscuit Fruit Pot or

Cheese and Crackers

Ice Cream Tubs Chocolate and mandarin cake bar Melon Selection

Daily- Fresh Fruit and Yogurt, Milk and Water, Salad Bar