Teacher – Mrs Fitzpatrick

TA-  Mrs Campbell, Miss Austen

Summer Term 2024:

Communication Language and Literacy

The children in reception have been enjoying our topic on “Castles”. We listened to stories such as ‘Peppa and the Coronation’ and ‘The King’s Underpants’ and read many non-fiction texts too. We also read ‘In the Castle’ focusing on the authors Anna Milbourne and Benji Davis and will be reading ‘The Castle the King Built’ by Rebecca Colby. The children learnt about the different roles that the people who lived and worked in a castle had and learnt some exciting new vocabulary using our Fantastic Lenses.



In our maths lessons we have been learning number about addition and subtraction through number stories and doubling and halving too. The children have also continued to recall number bonds to 10 and to know about numbers that are odd and even. We investigated sharing and grouping which was lots of fun!

Understanding the World

Through our topic work the children have been thinking a lot about the features of a castle and how they are different to where we live. We had a role play castle in our classroom, where the children could dress up as kings, queens and jesters and we have explored metal helmets and chalices on our investigation table. We are really excited for our trip to Skipton Castle, where we will explore inside the castle.  We also enjoyed using beebots to explore maps as part of our learning in computing.


In our RE lessons and worship we have been learning about the values of hope and love. We also talked about how different religions celebrate special times and talked about how Muslims celebrate Eid and Christians celebrate Christmas. We also learnt about how Christians believe God created the world in seven days.

Expressive Art and Design

In our creative lessons we have been exploring how to mark make using a range of media. We have used pastels, charcoal, chalk and felt pen. We have also been looking at the features of our faces and are exploring the shape of our different facial features. We have also been performers, practicing our class assembly for parents. We are learning poems, rhymes and a song about castles.

Personal, social and emotional development

We have also been getting ready for Year 1 with transition activities at playtimes, whole school assembly times and handwriting lessons in our new classroom. We have also been learning to ‘Think Equal’ by reading stories about people from other cultures. We also had a visit from our school dental nurse as part of healthy lifestyles week

Physical development

Our handwriting lessons in Year 1 have continued to support our fine motor skills. In PE lessons we have been focusing on racket sports and using our good eye-hand coordination. We are also going to take part in sports day and will enjoy the opportunity to take part in an obstacle course, as well an egg and spoon race.


TOPIC NAMES Understanding the World EAD (Expressive Arts and Design PSED RE Physical Development Literacy (Reading and Writing) Maths



Traditional Tales from Around the World

(ART 29/30)



When I grow Up…….

(ART 5,6,7,8,9,10, 24,27, 28,29)



Places- Where we live/African village

Autumn and seasonal change/

Bonfire night and Diwalli

Jobs and occupations (People who help us)

Winter/cold places and seasonal change







(Technology: Everyday technology

Effective use of IPADs and IWB Beebots, iPads, introduction to laptops.

Using Google maps)


Painting- Aut1



Dance- The UK/Weather


Music Express- Special people (Beat and Tempo)

Stories and sounds (Structure)


Music (Africa)- Come to the Serengeti song

Use of a range of instruments including bongo drums


Music (When I Grow Up)-

Living in the city song

Being someone new song


My Snowman poem


Nativity songs and performance



Role play- home corner, African roundhouse, police/fire station, post office.



Heartsmart – Get Heart smart (Meet Boris)


Heartsmart – Don’t forget to let love in (I am special)


Compromise and negotiate, name emotions, set goals and begin to know how to stay calm, begin to talk about health and wellbeing (teeth etc), Begin to see self as a valuable individual.


I am special (diversity)

Harvest (Sukkot- Jewish Harvest)



Special people (inc those who help us)


Christmas (Births and birthdays, The Nativity)




Values- Thankfulness, Respect and Love

Gross Motor Skills 

Revise and refine the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired: – rolling – crawling – walking – jumping – running – hopping – skipping – climbing

Begin to develop overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination.

Begin to combine different movements with ease and fluency

Change movements / directions quickly

▪Begin to confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outside

Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including:  throwing, catching, kicking/Use different sizes / types of balls – in pairs

Fine Motor Skills 

▪ Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils, Consolidate tripod grip

Continue to develop small motor skills using pencils for drawing and writing, paintbrushes, scissors, knives, forks and spoons

PE- Stretching shapes (Gym),

Reading (Revise Phase 1/ Phase 2/3 letters and Sounds phonics)

Beginning to retell stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary.

Re-reading books to build up our confidence in word reading, fluency, understanding and enjoyment

Concepts about print- left-right, 1:1 correspondence.

Beginning to read simple words we can blend such as “cat” and “it” as well as some common words.

Beginning to read a few common exception words such as I, to,go, no the, into.


Write name correctly

Use correct letter formation  

Use some of their print and letter knowledge in their early writing

▪         Begin to form lower-case letters correctly 

▪         Begin to spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s, using known GPCs … spell. Use □ initial sounds □ VC □ CVC words

Write labels, Begin to write lists & captions, focusing on …label, caption, space

Oral rehearsal / vocabulary, Begin to reread what they have written

WRITE STUFF- Word jotters and writing sentences in pairs

Match and sort

Compare amounts

Comparing mass, size and capacity

Pattern- AB

Representing, comparing and compositions of 1,2,3 (identical and ono-identical objects)

Circles and triangles

Positional language

Representing numbers to 5

Addition and subtraction – Change within 5.

–           One more

–           One less

Measurement – Time.

–           My day

Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

Class newsletter Reception Autumn 1 2024

R WEB Autumn 1 2024