St Clements C of E
Primary School

With Faith, Hope and Love We Can Achieve Greater Things
-Tuesday 11th February Safer Internet Day -Thursday 13th February 9.05am in the hall Year 5 Class Worship -Thursday 13th February Nursery Experience Day Teddy Bears Picnic -Thursday 13th February Y2 Experience day -Thursday 13th February am Hearing & Vision Screening -Thursday 13th February pm EPIC Afternoon Tea -Friday 14th February 9.05am in the hall Values Award Worship – Friday 14th February – 3.15pm End of half term.


As a compassionate, Christian school, we are strong in our faith. We believe in love and forgiveness and are thankful for the opportunities we have to live and learn in our community. We encourage and inspire children to aim high and challenge themselves in everything they do.

Our school website aims to keep you informed of everything that’s ‘going on’ and ensure all associated with the school have up-to-date information. You can check out events, as well as learn more about each year group and their curriculum each term. You will also be able to view copies of the latest letters, school policies, find information about the school clubs and activities on offer, and update yourself with the teachers, school staff, governors and members of the PTA.

View our Head Teacher’s welcome page.

Please click below to view the Parent/carer Survey October 2024 FEEDBACK:



School Uniform

We are pleased to let you know that KK Sports on Gorton Indoor Market now have stock of jumpers and cardigans for St Clement’s and will have stock of fleeces, PE Kits and bags very soon. Please call in and see them for all your uniform needs, they are extremely helpful and offer an excellent service. If there is something they haven’t got or a size you need just ask and they will order it in for you. If you need to contact them to check on stock their number is 07734380153.

Throughout the school year, the family support team will accept donations of any unwanted, good condition, school uniform items from parent/carers. These will be washed, ironed and re-sold at a reduced price, at the end of each academic year and throughout the school year- stock is subject to donations.

Pay with ParentPay

Please register with ParentPay to make payment for school meals, breakfast club, school trips etc. We are working towards becoming a cashless school by 2021 so are encouraging all parents to register as soon as possible. If you require registration details please contact school for further information.

Click to visit ParentPay

Latest News

What's On

Our Classes

You can keep track of our classes and up to date with everything they are doing during the term. Please choose a class you wish to explore!

School Games - Silver Award
School Games - Bronze Award
Music Mark
Healthy School
leading parent partnership award
Child Exploitation and Online Protection

Greggs Foundation
360 Safe

How to find us...

St Clements C of E Primary School

Abbey Hey Lane, Higher Openshaw,
Manchester M11 1LR

0161 301 3268