Teacher – Mrs Leigh

Teaching Assistant- Miss Fagan, Mrs Moss & Miss Murphy

Spring Term 2024:

In literacy we have been using the write stuff approach to explore writing a letter. We used the book Bugs and mini Beasts by Christine Engel. We used our marking pencil to independently edit our writing making sure we are applying the basics of capital letters and full stops.


In maths we have learnt about properties of 2d and 3d shapes. We have also learnt about telling the time to 5 minutes.

In science we are investigating plants and seeds. We will be exploring the following statements over the spring term:

Seeds need water and light to grow well.

Seeds will not germinate without water.

Plants grown without light are often tall, thin and pale.

Without water, plants droop or wilt.

If they are not watered they will die.

All flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves and flower.

Seeds develop when petals fall. Seeds can grow to form new plants.

The flower grows first as a bud and then opens up into a flower.

Parts of the flower become a fruit.

In history we have been exploring famous explorers, we have learnt about Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong.

In Geography we are being map makers. We are learning about maps and what we need to draw a map. We have learnt compass points and how to make a key for maps. Next half term in  Geography We will be learning:

To understand where I am in the world.

To locate on a map the seven continents.

To locate on a map the oceans that link the continents.

To describe where different continents are located.

To spot the physical and human features of a continent.

To share my understanding of a continent.

To compare UK With South American country – Peru

In computing we are learning about coding. We have learnt about Data handling. 

In music we continued practicing songs, using instruments and performed these as a class. We are getting very well up on our musical vocabulary knowledge.

In RE we have been exploring the question How & why do we celebrate special and sacred times?

This investigation enables pupils to learn in depth from different religious and spiritual ways of life about Easter and Pesach (Passover) and/or Eid-ul- Fitr. Through art, drama and music the significance of these celebrations to believers is explored, focusing on story, symbol and particular celebrations.

In PSHCEE we have been learning about what keeping healthy means; different ways to keep healthy. We were visited by firefighters who talked to us about fire safety.

In art we have been visited by an artist who worked on Peruvian weaving with us.







Art and DT

RRSA Articles 13, 31



RRSA Article 14



RRSA Articles, 13, 31



RRSA Articles 13, 24, 31


Year 2


Our Amazing World Plants Y2


No History to be taught Non – European Focus (Peru)

Map work / atlases /google maps

Name and locate countries

Compass directions

Comparing UK with Peru human and physical features

RRSA Article 27


Peruvian Artwork

Weaving & fabric joining, sewing. 

Maximo Laura


Design and make South American healthy snacks

(Link to PB Unit Perfect Pizzas)

RRSA Article 24

Living in the Wider World


BV – Democracy and Rule of Law


BV- Individual Liberty

How and Why do we Celebrate Special & Sacred Times? (Id-ul-Fitr) Net IT- OnlineSafety

RRSA Articles 16, 17, 19



Spring 1

Animals & Number


Spring 2

Story time & Seasons









Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

Class newletter Yr2 Summer 2024 (1)

Yr 2 Summer 1 Wild about Animals topic web