Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales. However, at St Clement’s C of E Primary School, Collective Worship is so much more than this.  It is a time for our school family to come together, learn together, reflect together, a time for children, staff and visitors to be still, engage and if they feel called to, respond.  It is the heartbeat of our school and it plays a fundamental role in shaping pupils’ character, thinking and actions. 

Collective Worship at St Clement’s strengthens and supports the distinctive Christian character of our school and reaffirms our Christian values of faith, hope, love, compassion, forgiveness, respect and thankfulness.

Worship reflects the variety of traditions found in the Church of England as well as other Christian traditions, and recognises and follows the Church of England’s liturgical year. The daily act of worship is central to our ethos and is supported by all staff and governors, it is inclusive, invitational and inspiring.


Our school community takes part in collective worship on a daily basis, as follows:

Day Time Content
Monday 10.00 – 10.30 Whole School Collective Worship


Tuesday 2.30 – 2.55 Class collective worship
Wednesday 10.00 – 10.30 Visitor lead whole school Collective worship


Thursday 10.00 – 10.30 Character/Values Collective Worship – ‘Encourage one another and build each other up.’ (Thessalonians 5:11)
Friday 9.00 -9.45 Whole School Collective Worship



As a school, we acknowledge that occasionally the format of our daily act of worship may be altered to accommodate changes within the school day. 


Children leading worship

At St Clement’s, children leading worship is a central part of our routine. We have an Ethos team, made up of pupils from all classes. The children are heavily involved in planning, delivering, monitoring and evaluating collective worship.   


Weekly visitors leading worship allows our children to appreciate the relevance of faith in today’s world, as they encounter the teachings of Jesus and the Bible from different perspectives.

Harvest 2024

On Thursday 3rd October 2024, we held our Harvest worship in School.  We ran a charity collection up until half term. Packaged and tinned items along with toiletries such as soap, shower gel, shampoo, toilet rolls, sanitary and baby products were very welcome and appreciated. 
A big thank Thank you to parent/carers for their kind support and assistance during this very difficult time, for adults and children in crisis in our community.

Thanks to those families and staff who donated and also to the Ethos team, Mrs Abela and Miss Thompson for their organisation of our Harvest worship.


Reception Class Welcome Worship

On Thursday 12th October 2023, we held our Reception Class Welcome Service. The children enjoyed the special service at St Clements Church and joined in a song that they had practised.  We all prayed and sent special wishes to our reception pupils for a happy and successful time in our school over the years to come. Each child then received their own Bible and everyone clapped one another as Mrs Parker and Curate Alex called out the names.

To finish, each class presented  a gift to welcome our reception class- beautifully made cards, nice books to read and plants to look after too!


Thank Your Vicar Worship

On Wednesday 11th October 2023, we thanked Reverend Paul  for his hard work in school and in our local community.  We learnt more about what they do and each class gave them a thank you gift.

Thank Your Vicar Week gives our Church of England primary school the opportunity to say a big thank you to our vicar. We held a worship in school to present them with their thank you cards and gifts for all they do in our school & community.

Poppy Appeal/ Remembrance Day 2023

Again this year we have been supporting the Poppy Appeal. This year, the Royal British Legion, have  sent their usual paper poppies into school for us to sell. They have sent us poppies to help those wounded in service to our country & their families. Thank you to all the pupils and families who have Supporting your children to fundraise for this years Poppy Appeal- the collection pot is almost full and we have had to ask for more stock of the snap bracelet rulers!
During these hard times, your generosity is amazing.

On Friday 10th November 2023, our Year 6 pupils went to pay their respects to all those who sacrificed their lives fighting for our country so we can live as we do today. Mrs Abela and Mr Nield  took the class to Abbey Hey cenotaph where they looked at the names of local people who had died.  Prayers were read and poppy symbols were also left to show our respect and gratitude. 


Christmas Church Service 2023

Our Christmas Church Service was fully planned, organised and led by our pupil ethos team today. The readings, carols and prayers were excellent and we are proud of each and every one of them for how much they achieved today.
Thanks to Mrs Abela & Miss Thompson for their work with the group.
The Year 5 recorder group also performed Jingle Bells after a fantastic Christmas hat parade from our Nursery & Reception children.
Thanks to the parent/carers who came along to join in the service with us.



Easter Church Service March 2024

Our Easter Church Service was fully planned, organised and led by our pupil ethos team today. The readings, hymns and prayers were excellent and we are proud of each and every one of them for how much they achieved today.
Thanks to Mrs Abela & Miss Thompson for their work with the group.
The Year 5 recorder group also performed Hot Cross Buns after a fantastic Easter hat parade from our Nursery & Reception children.
Thanks to the parent/carers who came along to join in the service with us.


Ethos Team – Christian Values assembly May 2024

On Thursday 16th May, our fabulous Ethos delivered a whole school worship to educate our pupils on our Christian values and how they link to bible verses. The worship was excellent! And a great PowerPoint was produced by two of our Year 5 pupils! Well done and thank you!