Teacher: Mrs Abela

TA: Mr Nield 

Spring term 2024:


In English, we have used the text “The Journey” by Francesca Sanna to write in role as a character from the book, a recount as a character, setting description and a non-chronological report. The book explores refugees, xenophobia, multiculturalism, social politics and human rights.

What has been said about this book: 


The author’s note at the end tells of the many stories she has heard in refugee centres and how this book is a culmination of many of the details from those stories. Her illustrations are spectacular. They are truly stunning art, and packed with emotion. Buy this book, for yourself and for others. Think about all the stories we are not able to hear. We need empathy. We need kindness. We need more books like this to see what we are not seeing in the faces of others.


We have also begun reading Oranges in No Man’s Land by Elizabeth Laird, which is based on her real – life experiences of what she saw during the war in Lebanon.



In maths, we have completed the whole curriculum so we will now be embedding concepts and carrying out projects that will involve us using all our mathematical skills.

In science, we have learnt about animals including humans. We have learnt about the circulatory system, following on from our learning in years 3, 4 and 5.

We are going to be continuing to work on refuting evidence presented by scientists.


Our topic this term is “The Maya”. We have researched  about how they lived, learned, worked, traded, their beliefs and their demise. We will complete our learning with a Mayan food day when we will prepare food a la Maya!

In Computing this half term the children have explored various aspects of film-making. In doing so, they had to choose and use appropriate software in order to complete tasks such as writing a script, researching information, filming and editing. As well as using digital devices for recording (video camera or tablet), the children  worked through pre- and post-production stages, planning good-quality interviews for a documentary and completing the process with use of video editing software such as Windows Movie Maker (previously used in Year 5)

Our overarching theme this half term is Faith and love. We have had some very good class discussions on what it means to have faith and show love to ourselves and others. Almost all the children in our class have had the opportunity to present our Tuesday worship sessions.

Emotional and mental health has been our topic in this subject, which is high on the agenda for society in general, with a huge emphasis on children’s mental health. We have completed the SRE topics in class and discussed how to stay safe through our drug education.

Heart Smart has been “No way through isn’t true”.

We have completed another “before we leave, we will achieve” activities on our whole school culture plan. The children researched Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet and they planned a Burns Supper. They prepared and cooked the haggis, neeps and tattties and a chocolate mousse and enjoyed sharing it in class on the 26th of January (a day after the official date of 25th January).


We  have had trips to Leaver’s service at the cathedral. After the cathedral, we had a great meal at Frankie and Benny’s. The children were brilliantly behaved and were a credit to us all.

We have our afternoon tea to look forward to on 11th July and hope you can all make it for tea and cake!

Prom is on the 18th July and the leaver’s service is on Thursday 18th July at 9.00am in church.







Art and DT 

RRSA Articles 13, 31



RRSA Article 14



RRSA Articles, 13, 31



RRSA Articles 13, 24, 31



RRSA Article 13


Year 6


World at War Electricity Y6



Light Y6


RRSA Article 19



20th Century Conflict


Examine and evaluate sources


Why did each war happen?

What was life like during wartime?



RRSA Articles 2, 9, 10, 17, 19, 22, 27, 38, 39

Focus:  Our Local Area Art- The Art of War 

(In Flanders Fields PB Unit)


RRSA Article 24 DT –PB Unit Burgers


Mental and Emotional Health – Negative thoughts and feelings, Stereotyping, Internet and mental health


BV – Democracy


Healthy Lifestyles – Mental and physical well-being, Physically healthy, Prepare a healthy meal

What do Religions Say to us when Life Gets Hard? Code IT (game design) Autumn 1

World Unite


Autumn 2





Tag Rugby







Aut 1 French Phonics 3-4


Aut 1- The Date


Aut 2- Do You Have a Pet?

Information texts of South America

Persuasive arguments

American habitats writing

Narrative (south American stories)

Science – sorting/data/statistics

DT- measures, ratio, mass, weighing

Islamic art – 2d shape

Computing– data handling

Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

Autumn newsletter year 6 2024

topic web year 6 AUT 1 2023