Teacher: Miss Checkland

TA: Miss Murphy, Miss O’Connor

Summer Term 2024:

In Literacy we have been doing some descriptive writing about the Arctic, after reading different books and looking at some video clips about the Arctic. The snow we had here, was great timing for our Literacy unit! We are now planning to write a non-chronological report about an Arctic animal to inform our audience of 3 – 6 year olds. We were excited to reveal which artic animals we would be writing about, and have been doing some research on our experience day and at home to help us with our writing.

Our class novel Emperor on the Ice by Nicola Davies has really engaged us, and we have been fascinated with the beautiful illustrations by Catherine Rayner. We have been discussing the book in our ‘Book Talk’ session, where we also discuss books we read.


In Maths we have been looking at angles, different types of lines including parallel and perpendicular.


In science we have enjoyed learning about forces and looked at magnets, we created a maze game to see how the magnet uses its force of attraction to guide a paper clip around the game. 

In our RE sessions, we have been learning the difference between celebrations and festivals, and we have discussed which festivals we have been involved in/are familiar with. We are now learning about Ester, an important religious festival for Christians and why it is important to them In our RE lessons we show respect to one another by listening to each other views, and respecting we all have different beliefs etc.

In history we have looked at the Egyptians. We looked at the King Tutankhamun (The boy king), their daily life before looking into mummification. We then practised the mummification process on Tomatoes, we used tomatoes, salt, bicarbonate of soda , and hand gel to practice mummification on Tomatoes. We really enjoyed this lesson. We are now checking on them weekly. So far 3 weeks in the mummified tomato is still red and looks as it should whereas the other half that we did not mummify is moldy and starting to smell funny. 

Our artist for this term is Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He created some fantastic pieces of art. We are looking at his work that included buildings and thought about how he used colour to show emotion. We are looking forward to creating our own bright paintings using his style.

In computing we have been learning how to use powerpoint, first we planned a powerpoint on a branching database sheet, then we went onto powerpoint and practised adding and deleting slides before adding animations. We are getting ready to use powerpoint to write our final extract of our newspaper. We also learnt how to find and insert a picture that has been saved in a folder. 

In French we have been looking at vegetables, ‘les legumes’ We have looked at the words for tomatoes, aubergine, spinach, potatoes, courgette, onion, carrots, mushrooms, green beans and peas. We then looked at how to ask for these and how you would ask for a kilo and half a kilo of these at the market. 

In PSHCEE we learnt about how our aspirations for the future, we linked this to what jobs we wanted to do. Then for refugee week we looked at the different cultures in our class before looking at the types of homes we live in.  We then started our RSE work, The first lesson was about personal space and the second lesson was about good friendships. 

In PE we have been practicing the skills needed for rounders and cricket. We are now playing games of cricket and rounders. 

In music we have been looking at different types of percussion, pitch, tempo and dynamics, we also used our own bodies as percussion. 







Art and DTRRSA Articles 13, 31



RRSA Article 14



RRSA Articles, 13, 31



RRSA Articles 13, 24, 31


Year 3


Rock of Ages





Rocks and Soils Y3


Light Y3

Stone Age

When was the Stone Age?

What was life like in Manchester during this time?

Skara Brae

How was life different during the Stone Age?


RRSA Article 17, 27


Focus:  UK / Europe– recap on UK

Name and locate countries

Use maps/ atlases/globes/

google maps


4 fig grid references


Map symbols / keys


Human and physical features – link to Stone Age settlements

Art- Exploring Nature with Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy

(PB Unit)


DT- Cooking – Stone age Food

(Following PB unit sequence Perfect Pizza)

Mental and Emotional Health – How do my feelings affect others, E-safety, What am I good at?


BV – Democracy and Rule of Law


Healthy Lifestyles – Healthy diet, Sun safety, Personal hygiene


BV – Individual Liberty

What do Different People Believe about God? Code IT- Coding and programming


Autumn 1

Environment & Building


Autumn 2

Sounds & Poetry













Aut 1- French phonics – lesson 1

Aut 1- I am learning French

Aut 2- Animals


Homework Leaflet-Homework leaflet

Y3 Autumn Newsletter 2024

Year 3 Topic Web Autumn 24