support for parent/carers

On this page, you find web links and resources to help you support your child/ren at home with our Literacy approach. Please take a look below at some these.



Phase 1-5 sound mats:


Practise for pupils:



An interactive game where children can hear phase 2 initial sounds.

An interactive website with a range games and activities for all phases. 

You tube channel ran by a primary school teacher covering all aspects of phonics.

A useful you tube link for both parents and children to hear how the letter sounds are articulated.




KS1 Reading gems:

KS2 reading gems:

Reading Gem style Questions

Online reading scheme which we use in school and at home.



Below are some documents to support Spelling Grammar and Punctuation:

Word groups

KS1 SPAG word mat

LOWER KS2 SPAG word mat

UPPER KS2 SPAG word mat


See below the “writing rainbow” Which supports The Three Zones of Writing: The FANTASTICs (Ideas), The GRAMMARISTICs (Tools), and The BOOMTASTICs (Techniques) support their learning, precision and writing.

  • The FANTASTICs system, which is also used in the teaching of reading, allows children to identify the nine elements that all text types are comprised of. When pupils are familiar with these nine elements, they are able to ensure that they are incorporated into their writing. The FANTASTICs help children to sharpen their understanding of their own and others’ writing by encouraging them to be observant and reflective.
  • The 9 GRAMMARISTICs cover national curriculum requirements, capturing the broad spectrum of key grammar knowledge. Discrete gammar lessons are also taught to ensure specific grammar knowledge is taught and revisited. 
  • The BOOMTASTICs capture the ten powerful ways to add drama and poetic devices to writing. They help children structure their work, teaching them to showcase their writing voice, demonstrate originality and to take risks in a bid to capture the truth of a situation.

The Spelling Rainbow is a fully comprehensive approach that targets the “Three zones of spelling”. These are the patterns of spelling, the pressures of spelling and the remembering of spelling. We use this poster in school when working through ‘The Three Zones of Spelling’, as part of our spelling lessons. 

The three tiers of the rainbow contain 27 spelling lenses  to aid in the successful teaching of spelling. 

  • Structures for Learning: GROUPINGS
  • ‘In the Moment Strategies’: IMPROVINGs
  • Strategies for Learning: ACQUIRINGs